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Monday, October 25, 2010

Protests Around the Corner? In America?

Trends forecaster Gerald Celente argues that the bailouts made the biggest banks bigger and the rich richer. The gap between the rich and the poor is the widest in the US over any industrialized nation, he points out.

“People are going to wait for the elections in November. They think they’re going to have some other change that they can believe in. It won’t happen. When the economic winter sets in, then you’re going to start seeing people protesting more and more. This is just the beginning.”

Celente foresees more protesting in the US in 2011 and 2012. “The United States is slow on the draw when it comes to protesting, but get ready for it,” he comments. “It’s the mainstream media that keeps sucking up to these greedy pigs (‘The White Shoe Club Boys’) that tempers the people down from taking to the streets.”

The trends forecaster discusses the sellout of America by present and former presidents. “This country’s gone from the greatest entrepreneurial empire to one that Mussolini would have called fascism, the merger of state and corporate powers.”


Is the USA a Mussolini described fascist state?
Is the economy recovering or getting worse?
What will the reaction be across the country if protests break out after the election?
Discuss in comments.


  1. I certainly hope no protests or riots break out.

  2. Riots would suck quite a bit. But protest, no matter what their protesting for is a sacred thing.
